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Healing the Hidden Root of Pain

self-treatment for Iliopsoas Syndrome

This video presentation is an effort to help eradicate Iliopsoas Syndrome, the all-too-common but not well understood muscular dysfunction of the iliopsoas muscle, our primary hip flexor.

The term "hidden" in the title was chosen for two reasons:

1. The iliopsoas lies deep in the core of the body and is, in a sense, hidden from view.
2. The iliopsoas remains "hidden" from the view of many physicians who do not consider it as a potential cause of much unexplained back, hip, and leg pain.

This video presentation pulls back the curtain on this muscle and, through a 4-phase system specifically designed to relieve iliopsoas syndrome, provides you with the necessary tools for addressing this problem yourself.

video 1


Phase 1 - Self-massage of the iliacus and psoas muscles

video 2

phase 2 - Diaphragmatic breathing and somatic movement

Phase 3 - active isolated stretching

phase 4 - Toning and strengthening

Note about the online version

The only difference between the online version and the DVD version of this video presentation is that the DVD version has chapter navigation embedded within the video. The online version does not.

In order to navigate the online version, simply check the timestamp for the chapters which are listed below the video. You can then easily scroll along the play bar to the timestamp of the chapter you wish.

I sincerely hope you find this video presentation helpful in your search for relief.

All the best,

Stephen O’Dwyer, CNMT
Lower Back Pain Answers




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Titles 0:20
Introduction 0:39
What is an Iliopsoas? 2:47
Anatomy of the Iliopsoas 3:29
What is Iliopsoas Syndrome 5:01
What Causes Iliopsoas Syndrome? 6:33
How to Relieve Iliopsoas Syndrome 7:57
How Do I Use this 4-Phase System? 9:32

PHASE 1 - Self-Massage 11:08
Treating the Right Iliopsoas 14:26
Step 1 Choosing Most Comfortable Body Position 14:29
Step 2 Feel the Contour of the Hip Bone 15:36
Step 3 Compress and Release the Iliacus 17:56
Step 4 Multiple Compressions 21:01
Step 5 Stroking in the Direction of Preference 22:35
Step 6 Locating the Psoas 25:22
Step 7 Treating the Psoas 27:50

Treating the Left Iliopsoas 31:09
Step 1 Choosing Most Comfortable Body Position 31:13
Step 2 Feel the Contour of the Hip Bone 32:19
Step 3 Compress and Release the Iliacus 34:40
Step 4 Multiple Compressions 37:45
Step 5 - Stroking in the Direction of Preference 39:20
Step 6 - Locating the Psoas 42:06
Step 7 - Treating the Psoas 44:35


PHASE 2 - Diaphragmatic Breathing and Somatic Movement

PHASE 3 - Active Isolated Stretching

PHASE 4 - Toning & Strengthening

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PHASE 2 - Diaphragmatic Breathing and Somatic Movement 0:08
Paradoxical Breathing 3:22
Belly Breathing 5:58
Full Diaphragmatic Breathing 7:28
Somatic Movement 9:54
Lumbar Pelvic Tilt 11:02
Hip Hike 14:59
Spinal Twist 17:18

PHASE 3 - Active Isolated Stretching 20:05
Stretching the Psoas 22:09
Stretching the Iliacus 26:30
Stretching the Quadriceps Method 1 - 30:35
Stretching the Quadriceps Method 2 - 34:11
Cobra Stretch 37:24
Stretching the Side-Body 40:26
Stretching the Hips 42:01

PHASE 4 - Toning and strengthening 45:14
Prone Single Leg Raises 46:34
Prone Double Arm, Double Leg Raises 47:34
Opposite Arm and Leg Raises 48:32
Wall Sitting 49:37
Core Strengthening 52:12

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What Others Have Said

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Finally I found advice specific for iliacus.  
Hello Stephen, I'm so happy to have found your program, specifically the content about easing the iliacus. Iliopsoas advice is plentiful, which I have …

Hey Stephen 
Another question, if I have an anterior pelvic tilt will this only work once I fix it (anterior pelvic tilt) first??

Hello, I have a quick question. 
When I try to do the self-massage portion (calming the muscle down) my side muscles are so tight that I have no power to sink and then turn. Is there …

Hello, I just came across your program and it’s amazing. But I do have a question. 
Is there a specific reason as to why each phase should be done one day at a time?

Hi Stephen, Thanks for giving me hope for relief to my chronic pain as I had given up completely. I honestly think that you might …

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Stephen O'Dwyer, cnmt

Neuromuscular Therapist & Pain Relief Researcher

Stephen O'Dwyer, CNMT


Lower Back Pain Answers

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