Is the Psoas Muscle Causing My Husband to Bend Forward?

by Laura Cook
(Windsor, CA)

My husband is 67 and has had every test imaginable (11 different Doctors and Chiropractors) and nothing has manifested. He walks bent over sometimes almost at a 45 degree angle. A friend suggested it might be the psoas muscle.

No Doctor mentioned this to him at all. After doing some research we think she might be correct. If he sits in a chair he can reach up with his arms with no problem and has no pain in the stomach. When he stands he has great difficulty reaching up with his arms. When he walks his stomach tightens up like it would do if someone were to punch him in the stomach.

It is the pain in the stomach that causes him to bend forward. He at times has a hard time lifting his legs just to walk. He had 2 hip replacements 17 years ago and then 5 years ago had then both revised. This bending over started 7 years ago at a time when he was doing a lot of biking. And it has only gotten progressively worse.

Does this sound like it could be the psoas muscle? Is it possible to stretch it to where he does not need to bend forward when walking? Any help would be appreciated.

Thank you,

Laura Cook

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Oct 15, 2012
Poor Flexibility?
by: Ed

I don't know exactly how old your post is, but I'm 63, 3 years into cycling and have discovered I have (maybe had all my life) a psoas problem.

My pelvis has always been rotated somewhat forward when standing and my flexibility (particularly in the hips) had been abysmal. Since starting regular cycling and becoming aware of the potential connection, regular appropriate stretching has been of enormous help to me.

I am more flexible than ever, my posture is straighter and I generally feel "lighter" - not sure how else to describe it.

On the other hand, my father, who is 93, walks bent over more than 45 degrees. His sister, who lived to be 92, did the same, and the diagnosis has always been osteoporosis (running in the family).

Both could be characterized as rather sedentary, low activity people. Based on my own experience I'm beginning to wonder if poor flexibility rather than osteoporosis isn’t closer to the truth.

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